Saturday 8/04
6 Am: CBCS members in 4 teams leave for birdwatching; they have with them the check list of the migratory birds of Cameroon (218 species). During the excursion all birds that will be observed will be ticked on the check list.
11 Am: Return to CBCS office, cross check and agree with all members the birds identified. The new list including information from Bamenda Highlands (by e-mail) is then printed. This checklist will be distributed to the general public, partner NGOs, governmental institutions (MINFOF, MINEP, MINTOUR, MINEPIA.....), Universities etc. We are intending to distribute about 250 copies.
12 PM: The distribution starts and extends to next week.
Thursday 13/04
4 PM: Press conference at Hotel Somatel on Avian influenza. Distribution of Press release
6 PM End of Conference