Bird walk on World Migratory Bird Day

NatureUganda, the BirdLife International Partner in Uganda, will take part in this year’s celebrations under the theme “Save migratory birds in crisis - every species counts!” by organizing a birdwalk around Mabamba Bay, one of the migration stop-over sites in Uganda.

Mabamba Bay is an Important Bird Area (IBA) and Ramsar site and one of the most interesting and spectacular sites for birdwatching.
The site is known for Globally Threatened species such as the Shoebill Stork, Blue Swallow and the Papyrus Yellow Warbler.
It is a migratory stop over site for huge congregations of Terns and Gulls and important for resident species, such as the Ducks, Storks, Herons and Jacanas.

This event aims at raising awareness among NatureUganda members, local communities surrounding the migratory site and the general public about migratory birds, who are Globally Threatened. Moreover, we want to highlight how migratory birds are part of the biological diversity of ecosystems and how the threat of extinction faced by individual bird species is a reflection of the impact on other species and the general ecosystem.

The media will be invited to participate in the event.

Mabamba 0° 4' 33.294" N, 32° 21' 2.5668" E
Start date: 
Saturday, May 8, 2010 - 02:00
End date: 
Friday, May 21, 2010 - 02:00