Please note: we will be continuously updating this page with new resources & translations as they become available.
Statements and messages to mark World Migratory Bird Day 2016
Fact sheet: The Illegal Killing, Taking and Trade of Migratory Birds
World Migratory Bird Day 2016 Official Video Trailer (chosen through a public video competition)
Birdlife International short video on Illegal Killing, Taking and Trade of Migratory Birds
Media Contacts (for more information & to arrange interviews):
Veronika Lenarz, Public Information, UNEP/CMS Secretariat
Tel: +49 (0)228 815 2409 - E-mail: [email protected]
Florian Keil, Coordinator of the Joint Communications Team at the UNEP/CMS and UNEP/AEWA Secretariat
Tel: +49 (0) 228 8152451 - E-mail: [email protected]
UN calls for end to illegal killing, taking and trade of migratory birds (United Nations Radio) [PDF]
Bird migration: Dangerous and astonishing journeys (Deutsche Welle) [PDF]
Giornata mondiale uccelli migratori, è strage nel Mediterraneo (ANSA) [PDF]
Giornata mondiale degli uccelli migratori, 25 milioni catturati o uccisi nel Mediterraneo (La Stampa) [PDF]
In declino il 40% delle specie di uccelli migratori, oggi la Giornata mondiale (ADNkronos) [PDF]
Il 10 maggio è la Giornata mondiale degli uccelli migratori (Tgcom24) [PDF]
Ambiente: oggi è la giornata mondiale degli uccelli migratori (Meteoweb) [PDF]
Journée mondiale des oiseaux migrateurs: la criminalité faunique doit être sévèrement réprimée (ALGERIE PRESSE SERVICE) [PDF]
Message de la Directrice du Centre du patrimoine mondiale à l’occasion de Journée mondiale des oiseaux migrateurs (WHC-UNESCO) [PDF]
L'ONU dénonce l'abattage, le prélèvement et le commerce illégal des oiseaux migrateurs (Xinhuanet) [PDF]
Iniciativa para poner fin a la caza ilegal de aves migratorias (United Nations Radio) [PDF]
Family fun to mark World Migratory Bird Day (Northumberland Gazette) [PDF]
Convención sobre Especies Migratorias crea grupo para proteger a las aves (El Pais) [PDF]
10. maj - svetovni dan ptic selivk (Deloindom) [PDF]
Oggi la giornata mondiale uccelli migratori, milioni minacciati (La Repubblica) [PDF]
animalìe. i migranti della natura. oggi è la giornata mondiale degli uccelli migratori. (Blog Correnti- Il Sole 24 Ore) [PDF]
Всемирный день перелетных птиц (Риа Новости) [PDF]
Всемирный день перелётных птиц — 10 мая (Багна) [PDF]
Полетаем? Всемирный день перелетных птиц. Творческие мастер-классы: птичка-брошка, весеннее кашпо, роспись свистулек, украшение скворечника. Конкурс «Сделай птичке домик!» (Символ) [PDF]
Всемирный день мигрирующих птиц (ГБУРО) [PDF]
Всемирный день перелетных птиц (ПОСТСОВЕТ) [PDF]
UAE- New task force set to stop illegal killing and trade of migratory birds (MENAFN - Emirates News Agency) [PDF]
UAE protects migratory birds (GULF NEWS) [PDF]
Fundação Kissama realiza workshop sobre estudo das aves na biologia (ANGOP) [PDF]
Aves migratórias tem população em declínio (Farol Comunitario) [PDF]
Svjetski dan ptica selica (Federalno ministarstvo okoliša i turizma) [PDF]
Burung, Makhluk Sensitif Terhadap Perubahan Iklim ( [PDF]
World Migratory Bird Day : May 10 (DayToDayGK) [PDF]
World Migratory Bird Day observed (Radio Pakistan) [PDF]
Gorontalo celebrates World Migratory Bird Day (Antaranews) [PDF]
Bahrain celebrates World Migratory Bird Day 2016 (News of Bahrain) [PDF]
World Migratory Bird Day (Day of Today) [PDF]
Mediterranean Massacre: Illegal Killing of Migratory Birds [Graphic Video] (Annamiticus) [PDF]
World Migratory Bird Day (Biodiversity Sri Lanka) [PDF]
9-10 de mayo: Día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias 2016 (Noticias [PDF]
BirdLife Botswana marks World Migratory Bird Day (Mmegionline) [PDF]
Velik broj ptica selica strada zbog krivolova, zatvaranja i krijumčarenja (Vijesti) [PDF]
Dubai longtime hub for migrating birds (Gulf News) [PDF]
BirdLife open day (CyprusMail) [PDF]
Al via il campo antibracconaggio WWF a Ischia (San Francesco Patrono d'Italia) [PDF]
Fågelhelg vid Sveriges bästa fågelsjö ( [PDF]
Le Burundi abrite 694 espèces d'oiseaux migrateurs dont 31 menacées au niveau mondial ( [PDF]
Unas jornadas gratuitas acercarán el mundo de las aves que nos rodean a todo el público ( [PDF]
Vogelwanderung: Eine gefährliche und zugleich erstaunliche Reise (Deutsche Welle) [PDF]
Journée mondiale des oiseaux migrateurs: l'ONU dénonce l'abattage, le prélèvement et le commerce illégal des oiseaux ( [PDF]
世界候鳥日 新北市全台最早迎接候鳥來到! (ETtoday) [PDF]
9 de Mayo: Día Internacional de las Aves (Diario Presente) [PDF]
"Matanza, captura y comercio ilegal de las aves" (Noticias de El Sol de la Laguna) [PDF]
Convención sobre Especies Migratorias crea grupo para proteger a las aves ( [PDF]
Día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias (Listin Diario) [PDF]
Día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias: Ansenuza, el "hotel" de unas 350 especies (La Voz) [PDF]
Terra Natura Murcia celebra al Día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias (20 Minutos) [PDF]
Día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias, propuestas de SEO/BirdLife ( [PDF]
El Parque de Despeñaperros celebra el Día Internacional de las Aves Migratorias ( [PDF]
Mavea celebra el Día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias en la ría de Avilés ( [PDF]
El grupo ecologista "Amigos de la ciudad y la naturaleza" en el Día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias (El Sudcaliforniano) [PDF]
El SAG celebró el día mundial de las aves en Vichuquén (Maulee) [PDF]
Más de 6,2 millones de aves migratorias son capturadas ilegalmente cada año (El Comercio) [PDF]
Το Μουσείο και η Ορνιθολογική Εταιρεία γιορτάζουν την Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Μετανάστευσης των Πουλιών (Eleftheria) [PDF]
Don in plea for animal and birds’ protection (The Guardian on Sunday) [PDF]
Plea to ban illegal birds trade (The Citizen) [PDF]
Dünya Göçmen Kuşlar Günü etkinliği (Yesiligdir) [PDF]
Van’da dünya göçmen kuşlar günü ( [PDF]
철새의 중요성 알아보자"…순천시, 철새의 날 행사 (News1) [PDF]
'세계 철새의 날' 철새 전문가 순천만에 모여 (Yonhapnews) [PDF]
Wielkie święto ptasich migrantów - w weekend na Helu (Nauka w Polsce) [PDF]
Ziua Mondială a Păsărilor Migratoare, sărbătorită la Vaslui ( [PDF]
Ziua mondială a păsărilor migratoare (Agerpres) [PDF]
ناشطون يحيون اليوم العالمي للطيور المهاجرة بالدعوة "للحـدِّ من صيدها" (Almada Newspaper) [PDF]
في اليوم العالمي للطيور المهاجرة (Ouruba Alwehda) [PDF]
السعودية تشارك في اليوم العالمي للطيور المهاجرة ( [PDF]
الشارقة تُحيي اليوم العالمي للطيور المهاجرة (Albayan) [PDF]
Svetovni dan ptic selivk letos opozarja na nezakonit ulov (Vecer) [PDF]
Fakultas Biologi UMA Amati Burung Migran (Berita Sore) [PDF]
GBF ajak siswa lestarikan burung Danau Limboto (Antaranews) [PDF]
Hari Migrasi Burung Sedunia 2016: Hentikan Pembunuhan, Pengambilan, dan Perdagangan Burung ( [PDF]
Semarak, Perayaan Hari Migrasi Burung Sedunia di Gorontalo ( [PDF]
World Migratory Bird Day marked in Macau (Macau Daily Times) [PDF]
World Migratory Birds Day observed (The News) [PDF]
World Migratory Bird Day observed at Virtual University (Pakistan Observer) [PDF]
UN calls for end to illegal killing, taking and trade of migratory birds (Famagusta Gazette) [PDF]
Mauritius Marks World Migratory Bird Day (All Africa) [PDF]
Celebrating the migratory bird (The Hindu) [PDF]
Migratory Birds Day: ‘Conservation efforts needed to protect birds’ (The Express Tribune) [PDF]
10. maj – Svetovni dan ptic selivk (Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor) [PDF]