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WMBD Photo Competition

The 2014 World Migratory Bird Day Photo Competition

Held under the campaign theme “Destination Flyways: Migratory Birds and Tourism”, the 2014 WMDB Photo Competition aimed to highlight the potential of sustainable tourism to be a tool for protection of migratory birds and their habitats, by raising awareness of their importance while at the same time generate revenue to advance biodiversity conservation.

As migratory birds and tourists, the WMBD Photo Competition was able to cross frontiers and reach many different locations. In total, we received 37 stunning photos of migratory birds taken in 22 different destinations around the world: Bhutan, Cameroon, China, Dubai, Egypt, Greece, India, Malaysia, Malta, Mongolia, Nepal, Poland, Republic of Korea, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain, Sudan, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey and United States of America.

Final Results

Based on their ability to creatively portray the links between migratory birds and tourism and the uniqueness of the accompanying story, the following four photos were chosen as winners by the jury, consisting of representatives of the Implementing Partners of the Destination Flyways project: CMS, AEWA and UNWTO:

Click on the picture to see a larger version and read the story behind the photo!

1st prize: Dancing Egret in the Morning; China
(Dan Chen; China)

2nd prize: Farmers and the bee-eater; Tunisia 

(El Golli Mohamed Omar; Tunisia)

3rd prize: East Mediterranean Exotic Specialty;


(Nikolai Petkov; Bulgaria)

4th prize: The departure; Thailand

(Elis Simpson; United Kingdom)

Interested in seeing all entries? Visit our Flickr page!

Prizes and Sponsors

1st Prize:

One week trip including meals and soft drinks for 2 people to Sharm El-Sheik, Egypt, provided by the Egyptian Tourism Authority of the Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt in Berlin. Sharm El-Sheik is located by Ras Mohamed National Park, one of the sites participating in the Destination Flyways project, famous for the annual migration of White Stork, its desert landscape and the marine diversity of the Shark Reef.


2nd Prize:

High-end pair of binoculars ZEISS CONQUEST HD 8 x 42, for birdwatching and observing nature with all its amazing details.


3rd Prize:

500 USD voucher for a birding tour with Rockjumper. Choose from 250 tours to 100 countries.


4th Prize:

15% discount voucher for 2 people for a birding tour with Birding Ecotours in various locations.
